Receiving the Nobel Prize

Dr. Honjo attends the award ceremony in traditional Japanese formal attireCopyright © Nobel Media AB 2018
  Photo : Alexander Mahmoud

On December 10, 2018, Tasuku Honjo was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden.

Dr. Honjo also participated in Nobel Week, which includes a variety of events organized around the Award Ceremony.

In addition to the traditional signing of a chair at the Nobel Prize Museum, Dr. Honjo completed a packed program of activities that included giving a commemorative Nobel Laureate’s address at the Karolinska Institute, attending receptions hosted by organizations including the Embassy of Japan in Sweden and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, addressing the Swedish Parliament, attending a formal dinner hosted by the Swedish Royal Family, participating in an exchange event with medical students at the Karolinska Institute, and appearing in television programs.

Upon his return to Japan, Dr. Honjo gave a press conference in which he expressed his intention to work to encourage young researchers and endeavor to support basic research.

Nobel Prize certificate and medal
Address to the Swedish Parliament
Members of Dr. Honjo’s lab celebrating at the news of his winning the award
Monument in Commemoration of Tasuku Honjo’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine